C.J. Parker is yesterday – today we have  M.V. Cat Mimi. In the picture you see how she is controlling the beach at Venice Beach, Los Angeles. Everything was under control, she managed the challenge with flying colors.

The big question is now… back in Switzerland, on the lake of Glattpark, will we see M.V. Cat Mimi on duty again? Will she support the local “Park Lotsen” next summer? Who will provide the lifeguard tower?

There are even more open questions. I will keep you in the loop, just stay with us and read the blog.

By the way… the gentleman behind the lifeguard tower was fine, he didn’t need any help. He was not sweating, he was only full of oil like a sardine.

Here you can see M.V. Cat Mimi in Action, just click on that link.

[audio:Baywatch.mp3|titles=Bay Watch|artists=Bay Watch|autostart=yes]

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